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How to Maximize your use of SAP Enable Now

I recently attended SAPPHIRE where there was quite a bit of discussion around SAP Enable Now (Formally WPB). I must say I was surprised by the number of people I spoke with who did realize the true value of the tool they had purchased. That is not say they were not happy with the tool they were. But they were also using only a small portion of the tools capabilities, mostly around developing and deploying simulations for their SAP system.

What the people I talked with didn’t realize is that the tool they purchased can do so much more for their organization. Our company is currently working on projects for multiple client where we are utilizing Enable Now’s Book Page functionality to create truly interactive training programs. The program we are creating range from simple self-paced training content with embedded testing linked to the customers LMS for tracking to utilizing the tools functionality to create interactive game for both classroom based and self-paced training.

Start each day with a positive outlook!

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