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Improving the Performance of Organizations


Eagle CP manages to solve critical business issues by providing a best-in-class approach with a quality team. When it comes to the evolution of their organizations, our clients are no strangers to innovation. We help make this process easier by fostering collaboration and employee engagement. Read our success stories below.

doing work together

Breathing New Life into Business

User Adoption

Our adoption methodology and approach is based on our long-standing experience in assisting our clients to plan for change, build change and sustain the positive benefits of complex enterprise wide changes for the long term. An effective and detailed approach to every stage meets this challenge by determining and communicating consistent, strategic messages about the change throughout the initiative. Eagle provides a catalogue of services that will allow you to navigate complex business change and achieve both immediate and on-going results.

green papers

Turning a New Page

Efficiency and Profitability

We work with the Professional Services teams of product vendors who have been selected to run a conference room pilot. For those who are not familiar with this term, this is a pilot simulated (in a "conference room") on a select number of processes with some sample data with teams assembled from various departments (end users and IT resources). Once the conference room pilot is signed off, the system is usually put into full-scale production. Before this, the end users who will use the system are usually trained. We assist in the definition of these flows, then document them and follow up with training end users on the adopted processes. 

hand motions

A Tale of Success

Personal Excellence at Every Level

Our training is packaged with very solid content, presentations, reference material and a repository that is either in a intranet or portal form for on-going, continuous and common access. Our training delivery is Instructor-Led Training (ILT), Web Based Training (WBT) or Computer Based Training (CBT). Both synchronous and asynchronous forms of training are supported.

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